Using WebCruiser Tool for SQL Injection Testing

  1. Launch Web Cruiser apps and wait till the main windows appears

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2. Enter the URL that will be scanned, this example we use where is the server of the host machine where the website is hosted. Click ‘ Scan Site ‘ to start the scanning

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3. If a software disclaimer pop-up appears, click OK to proceed

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4. The scanning start with URL scan, but it also show the vulnerabilities as well as the site structure as seen in the screenshoot

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5. Try to right click each of the vulnerabilities, then click SQL Injection POC  which is Proof of  Concept

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5. It will launch the SQL Injection then click ‘ Get Environment Information ‘

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6. It shows information about environments which the site is hosted. By collecting vulnerabilities information, attacker can simulate exploitation to hack a web application to gain unauthorized information.